5 Transformative Kettlebell Workouts for Women

kettlebell workouts for women

Did you know that working out with a kettlebell for one minute can burn up to 20 calories? That’s 400 potential calories you could zap in just 20 minutes!

You may be thinking, “Aren’t kettlebells something that only bodybuilders can handle?” After all, you’ve probably seen bodybuilders use them around the powerlifting zone at the gym.

It’s true that some kettlebells can weigh up to 200 pounds. But this cast-iron ball-shaped weight is not just for the big boys. Kettlebells can weigh as little as 5 or 10 pounds, and these are enough to help any woman sculpt muscles and burn fat.

The better news? There are plenty of different kettlebell workouts for women. And if you’re ready to transform your body, it’s time you learn about them!

Reasons to Exercise with a Kettlebell

A lot of women spend hours every week lifting weights and working out their cores. And unfortunately, many of them don’t see the results they want.

But what if there was a way to work out your core, as well as your upper and lower body, in one go?

Total Body Workout

The beauty of a kettlebell is that it allows you to do lunges, crunches, shoulder presses, and push-ups all at once.

Unlike traditional weightlifting, there’s more movement involved with kettlebell exercises. The iron handle attached to the ball itself makes kettlebell moves possible.

And because you can combine multiple exercises at once with a kettlebell, it saves more time. So, on days when you don’t have time to hit the gym, working out with a kettlebell is both effective and convenient.

Plus, it’s easy to pack up a kettlebell and bring it along whenever you need to go out of town and still want to exercise.

Great (and Safe) Introduction to Weightlifting

More and more women are replacing cardio with weightlifting these days. And it’s not just some trend that will die out in the next couple of years. There are real benefits to weightlifting that outweigh cardio alone.

If you’re looking to get into weightlifting, it’s important to know that you can’t jump into it right away. But exercising with a kettlebell makes for a safe transition into it.

As you build more muscle with a kettlebell, you’ll be able to handle powerlifting, circuit training, as well as high volume training.

Next, let’s finally dive into some kettlebell exercises for women!

1. Swing

Looking to target your abs, glutes, back, and legs while getting a little cardio in?

Stand with your feet flat on the ground and wider than hip-width apart. Bring the kettlebell down between your legs, holding it with both hands. You’ll want to have a slight bend to your knees as you do this.

Swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height, thrusting your hips as you do so. You’ll squeeze your glutes, tighten your core, and straighten out your knees in the process. Make sure to keep your arms straight.

Beginners should start with a lighter weight and perform 10-20 reps per set. The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you’ll need to perform. Aim to complete 3-4 sets.

Single-Handed Swing

You can also make a kettlebell swing more challenging by doing it single-handedly. Instead of using both hands, you’ll perform the reps using one hand per set.

The posture and movement are similar to a traditional kettlebell swing. The only difference is that you’ll want to squat more with your thighs as you bring the weight down.

2. Deadlift

Want to hone in on your glute muscles and hamstrings and strengthen your back in the process?

Stand with your feet flat on the ground and shoulder or hip-width apart. Have the kettlebell on the ground between your legs.

As you bend down to grab the weight, bend your knees slightly and push your hips and glues back. The movement should be as if you were sitting down in a low chair. Maintain a flat back while you do this, keeping your head aligned with your spine.

Lift the weight slightly off the ground as you push your hips further behind you. Then, as you stand holding the weight, extend your hips forward and squeeze your glutes.

Look straight ahead as you do this to avoid rounding your back. Avoid leaning back as you come into the standing position.

Complete the rep by bringing your body back into a squatting position. Perform 6-10 reps per set, and aim to complete 3-4 sets in one workout.

3. Press

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the kettlebell with one hand in a racked position. Your hand should be level to your shoulder and under your chin as you hold the weight.

As you lift the weight over your head, keep a slight bend to your knees and squeeze your glutes. Straighten your knees slightly as you lift the weight. Make sure your elbow doesn’t extend too far out to the side.

Bringing the weight back down, lower your elbow back to a racked position. Take a deep breath, then repeat 4-5 more times. Complete 3-5 sets.

This kettlebell exercise will target your arm muscles, specifically your triceps.

4. Row

Spread your legs out wide and stand with your right leg planted forward. Point your right foot straight ahead with your left leg more to the back (but vertical with your right foot).

Holding the kettlebell in your left hand with an extended arm, bend your right knee. Keep your flat back and rest your right arm over your right thigh.

Bring your left elbow back as you pull up the weight. You’ll find that you’ll squeeze your upper back. Then, lower the weight back down and return to the starting position.

Complete 3-5 sets that consist of 6-10 reps on each side.

A kettlebell row will help you strengthen your back, biceps, arms, abs, as well as your legs.

5. Russian Twist

Looking to build your oblique and arm muscles? You may already be familiar with Russian twists. But adding kettlebell moves to the mix can help you perform this ab exercise more effectively.

First, sit on the floor with your feet lifted off of the ground and your knees bent. Hold the kettlebell where the handle meets the ball.

Leaning back slightly, rotate your torso from the left to the right while holding the weight. Complete 3-4 sets that consist of 15 reps.

Transform Your Body with Kettlebell Workouts for Women

Kettlebells offer the best of both worlds. You can target and sculpt multiple areas of your body at once all while getting your heart pumping.

There are more kettlebell workouts for women out there. And as you build your strength, you can start to transform your body in no time.

But what’s a fitness regimen if you don’t know how to properly fuel and nourish your body? For tips and ideas on how to eat better and burn more fat, check out our Diet & Nutrition blog!