6 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips for Men

weight loss tips for men

Nearly three-fourths (71 percent) of men in the U.S. are either overweight or obese.

If you’re part of this group, you might be feeling pretty frustrated. Chances are you’ve tried unsuccessfully to lose weight in the past. Or, maybe you did lose weight but then — like 97 percent of people — gained it back.

If you haven’t been able to keep weight off, your problem might be the way you went about losing weight. Instead of slashing entire food groups or falling for the latest fad diet, try one of these six science-backed weight loss tips for men instead.

They will help you get on the right track and start reaching your goals.

1. Focus on Muscle Building First

The more muscle mass you have, the easier it will be for your body to burn calories and shed body fat. If you’ve tried dieting time and time again and haven’t been successful, you might want to take a different approach and try putting on muscle first.

Research shows that, when you increase your muscle mass, you also speed up your metabolism. As a result, when you do start focusing on fat loss, you’ll burn more calories during your workouts.

You’ll also be able to eat more food if you take this approach since your body will burn calories more efficiently. Even when you’re eating in a caloric deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn), you’ll be able to consume more than you would if you didn’t have as much muscle mass.

Men typically have an easier time putting on muscle than women do, too. Take advantage of this and try tacking on some lean muscle mass before you switch your focus to losing weight.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep

Many men don’t realize how important sleep is, not just to their overall health, but also to their weight loss efforts.

It’s true that men typically can get by on less sleep than women. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t still need quality rest.

In general, men should still be aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Research shows that getting sufficient sleep increases your metabolic rate. It can also help you gain muscle more easily since your body produces most of its growth hormone during periods of deep sleep.

3. Try HIIT Workouts

Hight-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are great for burning stubborn fat.

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by longer periods of rest. For example, you might sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds, then repeat that sequence 5-10 times.

This format allows you to burn more calories during your workout. It also helps you continue burning calories after your workout has ended.

If you’re interested in body recomposition, HIIT is also a great option because it allows you to burn fat without sacrificing muscle mass.

Want to try HIIT but aren’t sure how to get started? Consider talking to a personal trainer or coach to learn more about the best approach for beginners.

4. Decrease Your Carb Intake

Low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets can be very beneficial for people who want to lose weight. Men, in particular, do especially well on these kinds of diets.

One study even found that men on a low-carb diet lost three times as much abdominal fat as men who went on a low-fat diet.

Why do low-carb diets work? Well, when you eat low-carb and increase your fat consumption, your body will often enter a metabolic state known as ketosis. In this state, your body burns stored fat for fuel instead of glucose (sugar that carbohydrates are broken down into).

You still have to be in a caloric deficit while eating a ketogenic diet if you want to lose weight. But, many people find this easier to do when eating low-carb since eating more fat helps them feel satiated longer. Since they’re more satiated, they’re less likely to give in to cravings and overeat.

5. Track Your Results

Establish a system for measuring your results and stick to it. This might mean daily, twice weekly, or weekly weigh-ins. Or maybe you take measurements or progress pictures every week.

There’s no one right way to track your progress. The most important thing is that you are tracking.

Research shows that men who track progress are more likely to stick to and achieve their goals than men who don’t. Tracking progress can help motivate you when you’re feeling down.

It also gives you an opportunity to course correct.

If you’re being diligent with your diet and workouts but still aren’t seeing progress, that might be a sign that you need to make adjustments. But, you’ll never know if you aren’t tracking regularly.

You don’t need to obsess over the numbers, of course. But, consistent measuring can be very helpful for most men who have had a hard time losing weight in the past.

6. Get Your Hormones Tested

If you’ve tried everything and you’re still not able to lose weight, you may want to visit your doctor and get your hormones tested.

Low levels of testosterone and/or human growth hormone can increase the amount of fat your body stores, especially around your abdomen. Low levels of either (or both) of these hormones can also slow down your metabolism and make it hard for you to put on muscle mass.

If you find out that these levels are low, you can look into natural or prescription methods to help raise them. This, in turn, can help you finally lose weight and improve your health.

Looking for More Weight Loss Tips for Men?

Don’t give up on your goals. Put these weight loss tips for men to the test and you’ll likely finally see the results you’re after.

Remember, though, losing the weight is only half the battle.

Are you looking for more advice on maintaining weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle? If so, be sure to check out some of our diet and nutrition articles today.

We’ve got lots of information and resources that will teach you how to start and stick to a healthy and sustainable diet.