5 Steps to Eating Healthy and Sticking to It

steps to eating healthy

Is learning to eat healthy on your to-do list? Does that idea overwhelm you?

Adopting a healthy diet isn’t easy. Many Americans are obese. In fact, it’s estimated that 36% of Americans are obese. Eating healthy can be intimidating. It has to become a habit. Check out these five steps to eating healthy and sticking to it by making it a habit.

1. Quit Drinking Sodas

This probably isn’t news, but sodas are not included in a healthy diet. Sodas can actually dehydrate you thanks to the caffeine. They contain artificial sugars and are high in calories.

Not only are sugary drinks bad for your health, but they are also terrible for your teeth. The sugars and acids can lead to tooth decay.

If you’re looking for soda replacements, obviously water is the best choice. You can flavor your water with fruits and herbs if you crave flavor. Teas are also an excellent replacement.

2. Watch Your Sugar Intake

When it comes to wondering “what is a healthy diet?”, it shouldn’t be a surprise that large amounts of sugar aren’t included. Sugar is hidden in so many foods like salsa, ketchup, and peanut butter. You should always read labels before you buy something. Sugar increases belly fat and may lead to Type II Diabetes.

3. Meal Planning and Prepping

Planning and prepping your meals ahead of time makes it easier to stick to healthy options. You’re more like to make better choices if you have healthy foods ready and available.

Before you head to the grocery, sit down and write out your meals for the week. Include some healthy snack options too so you can avoid the office vending machines. When you plan your menu for the week, you’re less likely to say, “we have nothing to eat, so let’s order a pizza.”

Want to eat a healthy diet, but don’t want to deal with the planning? You can have healthy meals delivered to your door. In today’s world, you’re less likely to find excuses to not follow healthy diets.

4. Switch to Whole Grains

A simple tip when you’re starting a healthier lifestyle is switching to whole grains. Avoiding refined grains like white bread and replacing them with whole grains has a lot of health benefits. Some whole grains to add to your diet include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Brown rice
  • Popcorn

Whole grain foods contain fiber and nutrients. Adding them into your diet can help lower your risk of obesity and diabetes.

5. Each More Veggies

What is a healthy diet? One that contains vegetables, of course. Vegetables can help reduce your risks of different chronic diseases. They also contain fiber which keeps you fuller for longer and can reduce your cholesterol levels.

If you struggle to get vegetables into your diet, there are sneaky ways to add them. Throw spinach or kale into your morning smoothies. You can add veggies to omelettes and frittatas. You can also opt for cauliflower rice or cauliflower pizza crust.

Apply These Steps to Eating Healthy

If you’re new to a healthy lifestyle, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, it’s an easier process than you may think. Making small changes here and there can make a big difference. It’s important to remember that it’s a lifestyle, not an overnight change.

Want to learn more steps to eating healthy? Check out our diet and nutrition blog for more advice.