Give Yourself a Boost: 5 Proven Benefits of Taking Vitamins for Weight Loss


Vitamins for weight loss sounds, well, too good to be true. And, most of the stuff you read about diet supplements sounds more like fake news than solid medical advice. 

Still, you shouldn’t discount the power of supplements for toning and weight loss. Multivitamins may have an effect on your results, while protein can help you make sure you replace fat with muscle.

Below, we’ll look at five key benefits of using vitamins for weight loss. 

1. Metabolism and the B Complex

The B vitamin complex is essential for so many of the body’s key functions-namely surrounding the metabolism. B-12, for example, is responsible for metabolizing fats and proteins, while thiamine helps you process carbs, as well as fats and proteins.

Sources of B vitamins include lean meats, seafood, whole grains, eggs, and dairy products.

Some fruits like apples, bananas, and watermelon contain B vitamins, though your primary sources are usually animal products.

While B vitamins are relatively easy to find in the foods you eat all the time, a deficiency in one part of the complex can affect the other vitamins-which may mess with your metabolism. To keep things consistent, we recommend taking a daily dose of Bs.

2. Multivitamins Could Help with Weight Loss

According to a study published in the Journal of Obesity, participants took a vitamin for six months. Those taking a multivitamin had a lower body weight than those taking a placebo. Apparently, adding a multivitamin to your diet during a weight loss program may help you lose weight and control hunger.

While the results are relatively modest, taking the vitamin is an easy way to potentially boost your results.

3. Vitamins Can Fill Nutritional Gaps

If you’re trying to lose weight and get all of the required nutrients you need on a daily basis, it can be a real challenge to do everything right.

While supplements aren’t a replacement for a healthy diet, they can help you make sure you’re getting everything you need, even if you’re cutting calories.

If you’re wondering what kind of vitamins you should be taking, that depends. Ideally, you should look for the basics like calcium, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, and D, and more.

But, everybody is different. Learn more about which vitamins are right for you by clicking the link.

4. Omegas Can Help Mitigate Heart Disease Risk

Eating fish has long been associated with a decreased risk of heart disease. People with high triglycerides can benefit from taking EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish.

While losing weight can help you reduce your risk of heart disease, a little help from some fishy supplements may help you improve your health as you work toward your goal.

5. Protein Can Help You Keep Those New Muscles

There’s a reason that whey protein is a gym rat’s go-to potion.

It’s actually a really beneficial supplement for those looking to lose weight, not just bulk up. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that overweight people who drank whey protein lost about 10 pounds after adding the supplement to their diet.

The reason is, whey suppresses your appetite, which helps you eat less. It also helps you build muscle and burn fat so you’ll build lean muscle, rather than simply losing weight.

Want a Better Body? There’s More to it Than Vitamins for Weight Loss

Supplements are one part of the equation, but so is a healthy diet and some adjustments to your lifestyle. Vitamins for weight loss might seem too good to be true, but they can make a difference. In any case, vitamins help fill in some of the gaps missing from your diet. So, there’s no real excuse for skipping them.

If you’re sick of being skinny fat, fat fat, or simply sluggish, check out our blog for more tips on diet and nutrition. We’ll help you get started on your path toward better health with the right food, supplements, and workout plans.