Are You in the Dumps? Here Are 5 Things to Tell Yourself When You’re Feeling Insecure About Your Body

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Are you looking to shed a few pounds? Did you know you aren’t alone? In fact, almost 50% of Americans have tried to lose weight at some point in the last year.

Sometimes even after losing weight, you may still be feeling insecure. And that’s actually fairly normal.

Looking for some self-mantras to help you through the tough times? Keep reading for five great things to tell yourself when you are feeling blue.

1. It’s Normal to Feel Insecure

As soon as you begin to feel insecure and down, immediately remind yourself that it’s okay to feel that way. Don’t be hard on yourself.

Accepting how you are feeling will give you the peace of mind to begin working on your internal struggles.

If you beat yourself up about feeling insecure, it will be even more difficult overcoming your negative feelings.

It’s also important to remember that feelings of insecurity are universal. This means your neighbor, your best friend, and probably even your parents have experience with it.

Keep in mind that you aren’t alone.

2. Feeling Insecure Can Lead to Breakthroughs

It’s generally believed that confidence doesn’t just happen. It is something we as humans must constantly work on. Rather than wallow in your insecurity, tell yourself you are close to a breakthrough.

Struggles and adversity lead to positive life change.

3. My Insecurities are Invisible

Insecurity tricks our minds into thinking everyone is judging us. We think everyone is judging us for our weight or our clothes.

This is absolutely false.

Nobody knows exactly how you’re feeling. Remember that and don’t worry next time you are in a group of people.

As you work towards weight loss, be sure to research different diet options. Avoiding certain foods can help decrease harmful toxins in your body.

4. The Power to Overcome is Within

Do you blame others for how you feel? Do you react with anger towards your loved ones? It’s common to react negatively when we are feeling insecure.

It’s important to remind yourself that your insecurities are just that, yours. No one else can take action. Even our loved ones are not responsible for our self-confidence.

Tell yourself every day that you have the power to change your feelings. And that you have the power to exude positivity.

5. Happiness and Insecurity Can Coexist

Just because you are insecure doesn’t mean you can’t be happy too. When you are down in the dumps, it’s important to remind yourself that those feelings don’t define your life.

Remind yourself on bad days of all the positive things in your life. Think about your loved ones, successes at work, or anything else that you feel proud about.

Learning to Love the Body Your In

It never feels good to be sad. When you are feeling insecure, it can feel like it will never end.

We hope these ideas resonated with you and can help you the next time you feel blue.

Looking for some simple exercises to help you continue in your weight loss journey? Check out these eight exercises that are fun and easy to do!