5 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

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Does it seem you’re unable to lose weight–no matter how hard you try?

Few things can cause so much frustration or disappointment. And with America’s obesity rate approaching 40%, it’s clear millions of us just can’t lose weight.

Is the secret in the next great workout craze or diet pill? Probably not. The truth is, even with a good diet plan and plenty of exercise, there are could be many reasons why you’re unable to lose weight.

In this post, we’ll look at 5 common things that prevent weight loss, including a few medical conditions. Read on to see if any of these could apply to you.

1. Skipping Breakfast

If you think that skipping breakfast (or other meals) is an easy path to weight loss, think again.

When you skip breakfast, you’re likely to indulge more during lunchtime. The prolonged fasting period also slows down your metabolism–the exact opposite of what you want.

Even if you don’t feel very hungry in the mornings, make it a habit to get a little bit of protein and carbs into your belly. Cottage cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt, or a piece of fruit will do the trick.

2. Eating Too Late

Just like skipping meals can sabotage your weight loss efforts, so can eating at the wrong time of day.

Eating dinner too late (or snacking before bed) can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. You’re also more likely to overindulge in “mindless” eating while watching TV or using the computer.

Try to eat dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Avoid late-night snacking, too, as your body won’t have the chance to burn off those extra calories.

3. Thyroid Problems

When your thyroid is underactive, it’s nearly impossible to lose weight.

This butterfly-shaped gland in your throat controls the speed of your body’s functions, including hormone production and metabolism. If it’s sluggish, you will be too.

This thyroid specialist–or one in your area–can test your levels and ensure your thyroid is functioning properly. If it isn’t, there are plenty of treatment options available.

4. Side Effects of Medication

55% of Americans take 4 (or more) prescription drugs, not to mention over-the-counter medications and supplements.

Many of these medications may come with a hidden side effect. You guessed it–weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Check with your doctor to see if any of your current medications could be to blame. There may be an alternative pill you could try, or you might be able to eliminate the medication altogether.

5. Not Getting Enough Sleep

A final reason why many people are unable to lose weight is lack of sleep.

The problem is two-fold. One, being sleep-deprived slows down your metabolism. Two, studies show that sleep deprivation may cause you to eat an extra 300 calories every day.

Along with a healthy diet and exercise routine, make sure you’re getting those all-important zzzzz’s.

Can’t Lose Weight? Don’t Despair

It’s frustrating when you can’t lose weight–despite your best efforts.

Keep in mind that it may not be your fault. Chances are there’s an underlying habit or condition that’s preventing your body from shedding those extra pounds.

If you haven’t already, schedule a checkup with your doctor. If you can identify the root cause, you can develop a plan to lose that weight once and for all!

Did you find this article helpful? Check out our other recent weight loss posts for more great advice.