Category: Skinny Fat Health Risks

In the U.S, more than 34 million adults have diabetes. The majority of these individuals have type 2 diabetes, which is the most common. But, did you know there are various types of diabetes?  For this reason, not everyone with diabetes displays the same symptoms. And, the causes can...


Did you know that 13% of Americans, some as young as 12 years old, take some kind of antidepressant? Of those people taking antidepressants, many experience changes in their weight. Today, we're going to talk about antidepressants and weight gain, but also how to lose or prevent the weight...


Every one gets excited as they see the numbers on the scale go down when they're trying to lose weight. But there are rapid weight loss side effects to watch out for. Find out what you could face if you're not losing weight in a healthy way.


Everyone probably has at least one friend who never has to exercise and yet seems to be able to eat anything they want without gaining an ounce. It might seem totally unfair that a person can be blessed with such great DNA, but the truth is that outward appearance...