Welcome to Skinny Fat Guy Productions

Yoga is all but guaranteed to improve one’s mood and possibly a lot more.  Some polling data shows that 83 percent of participants were in a better mood after doing yoga. And 43 percent felt very happy afterward.  At least on some level, all people are looking for something...


Healthline published statistics that show that the keto diet is a “very effective” way to lose weight and even lose harmful belly fat. If you’re skinny fat, then this is likely one of the biggest problem areas on your body. However, going completely keto might not be on your...


"Skinny fat" described a state of being in which you are at the correct body weight for your height but you still look a bit flabby. In this article, we'll talk about how this happens and what you can do to fix it.


One of the most challenging, yet most important things to learn is how to eat well with a packed schedule. If you’re rushing to get the kids out the door, get to work, meetings, and then get the kids to take them to after-school activities, you probably forget to...


Do you have questions about the HCG diet? Catching attention with its promise of 1-2lbs lost per day is HCG a miracle drug. However, it’s also drawn alarm for its restrictive diet and health risks. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone produced during pregnancy. It’s used medically...


Frustrated with stubborn body fat? Want to lose a bit of weight? There are several weight-loss methods out there that can help. For instance, many people choose to alter their diet. The key is to watch the number of calories—the less you consume, the greater the chance that you’ll...