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Vitamins for weight loss sounds, well, too good to be true. And, most of the stuff you read about diet supplements sounds more like fake news than solid medical advice.  Still, you shouldn’t discount the power of supplements for toning and weight loss. Multivitamins may have an effect on your...


An estimated 83% of Americans drink coffee every day, with most consuming at least two cups daily. If you’re one of these people, then here’s some good news. Apart from the instant shot of energy in the morning, the caffeine in the coffee is one of the substances that...


Eating healthy is hard in and of itself. Doing it when you’re busy is even harder. It can even feel like eating healthy on the go is impossible. But it’s, not with our five tips. Get prepared to say no to temptation and say yes to staying on plan...


When you work in the food service industry, food is the number one focus. You cook it, smell it, and have access to it all day long. And that can make winning the game of weight loss a losing battle. But put that spatula down because there’s good news!...


Lose weight. Get healthy. Eat better.  These are all common New Year’s resolutions. And they are all great choices. But sadly, 80 percent of resolutions fail as early as February.  There are many excuses that result it failed resolutions. Don’t let the cost of food be an excuse. There...


Everybody understands the importance of being healthy. It’s just not always as easy as it sounds or reads on a blog post. Sure weight lifting for women sounds simple enough, but that’s just for people who want to get big right? That takes time and real, full-on commitment, right? ...