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For many of us, improving our health by dieting is a repeat goal. More often than not, however, it’s one that we either never manage to reach, or we reach it but then drift back into our old ways. The fact is, 30-60% of dieters regain more weight than they lost after...


Are you interested in trying the HCG diet but aren’t sure how to get started? The HCG diet can be a great way for you to lose weight. But if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, this diet can sometimes be a little difficult to navigate.  What do you need...


Almost three-quarters of the American population are thought to be overweight. This is a terrifying statistic given the long list of health complications that come with carrying extra weight. In this article, we’ll look at some important health facts and five signs that you might be overweight. Leading a healthy...


In the US, only 1 million Americans are pure vegans. Add on the fact that keto is a very strict diet, and it seems almost impossible to go on a vegan keto diet. But don’t worry, as we’re here to help! If you need some vegan keto dinner recipes...


Active adults need between 2000 and 3000 calories per day. Over 85% of those calories should come from nutrient-rich foods. The problem is, most commercial low-calorie snacks have no nutritional value. Not only do commercial snacks lack nutrients, but they also have no flavor. No one wants a plain...


In recent years, surveys have shown that about 50% of Americans attempt to lose weight at some point throughout the course of a year. Roughly 45 million of them try to do it by going on some kind of diet. The ketogenic diet, better known as the keto diet,...