The Ultimate Guide to Gaining Muscle While Losing Fat

burn fat on plate

In America, roughly two-thirds of the population — or 160 million individuals — are overweight or obese. With such startling numbers, a lot of attention has been placed on weight loss in recent years.

But what if you want to lose fat while gaining muscles? Turning your existing fat into muscles works a little differently than traditional weight loss — it requires a lot of knowledge and dedication.

Luckily, we organized everything you’ll need to know about gaining muscle while losing fat.

Is Gaining Muscle While Losing Fat Feasible?

First off: is it even possible to lose weight while gaining muscle mass? The idea seems too good to be true and it goes against some basic rules of weight loss and gain.

What are these rules?

Generally, when you lose fat your body must have a caloric deficit. This means that you’re using up more calories than you’re taking in. Meanwhile, if you want to gain muscles, then you need a surplus of calories.

If you’re confused, don’t worry — you’re not alone. Many people disagree on the specifics of weight loss coupled with muscle gain.

It’s possible to do both at the same time, but you must treat it differently from traditional weight-loss diets. All you need to do is follow these six steps and you’ll be on your way.

Eat More Protein During Your Meals

If you’re just trying to lose weight than protein isn’t that big of a deal. Most people get more than enough protein in their daily diet to account for their body’s needs.

However, many of these people are likely living a sedentary lifestyle that doesn’t require a lot of protein intake. If you want to gain muscles, then you’re going to need a lot of protein.

You’re also going to need to cut a lot of carbohydrates. Not all of them, since you’ll need energy to workout, but you should focus on protein-centered dishes.

For every gram of body fat that you have, you should consume between one half to two grams of protein.

How do you get all of this protein?

Natural sources of food like meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts work great. However, if you have trouble working all these into your diet, then you can also use protein supplements.

One study found that if used regularly with strength workout they can increase muscle mass.

Find a Weight Training Regimen That Works for You

If you do a lot of cardio workouts, then you’re more likely to lose weight. Unfortunately, you lose both the fat you don’t want and the muscles you already have when you do these types of endurance workouts.

The solution to the problem is a weight training regimen that focuses on strength. These types of workouts (which usually involve picking up heavy objects) are proven to target fats while building muscles.

One study found that individuals who did weight training instead of cardio gained less waist circumference than those doing cardio. If you have never lifted weights before and you’re self-conscious, don’t worry!

Everyone feels nervous about new equipment. A personal trainer or class can teach you the proper way to use the machines. You can also learn a variety of strength workouts.

Target Groups of Muscles With Different Workouts

Some muscle groups move together while others move against each other. For example, the biceps cause the elbow to extend, while the triceps cause them to curl.

If you can target the muscles that work synergistically together, then you can optimize your strength workout. Here are some muscle groups that you should workout together on different days:

  • Triceps and chest
  • Biceps and back
  • Calves, hamstrings, and quads

Choose a Cardio Workout That Burns Calories and Builds Muscle

Cardio workouts like running burn calories and cause people to lose weight. That’s great if you want to burn off some fat, but remember that it also gets rid of the muscle you’re trying to build too.

Instead, on cardio days try a cardio exercise known as HIIT (high-intensity interval training). These types of workouts combine intense bursts of activity with long rest periods.

Keep in mind that HIIT workouts burn less fat — but that’s the point. You want to get rid of fat slowly by gradually replacing it with muscles.

Don’t Go to the Gym Every Day

Many people who are new to weight training or working out are often overambitious in their workout schedule.

They go to the gym every day and see little results. Not only do these daily trips to the gym make you tired of the routine, but they also hurt your muscles!

After a strength workout, the body needs one to two days to rest before it can begin again. During this rest period, your muscles grow and recover from the strain you put on them.

As such, you should work out 3-4 times a week on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday schedule or a Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday schedule.

On your time off make sure that you’re resting and getting a full eight hours of sleep every night.

Lose Weight Slowly and Be Patient

Don’t be surprised if you’re muscle building/weight loss journey takes time. Many people find that they make great gains in the first couple weeks of their fitness plan, which rapidly starts to slow down.

This type of weight gain is common – it becomes more difficult to put on muscle as you keep exercising the same muscles. Ignore the subtle changes and focus on the big picture instead.

Find More Weight Loss Tips

The process of gaining muscle while losing fat is no easy task. You’ll need all the help you can get. If you’re on a weight loss journey, then Skinny Fat Guy Productions understands your problems.

These types of weight loss/healthy-weight-gain journeys are more difficult than average diets and workouts.

They require more specific advice, strict schedules and plenty of patience. If you want a full range of exercise, nutrition plans, and health tips, then be sure to visit Skinny Fat Guy Productions.