What Is Interval Training? A Complete Guide

Interval Training

Tired of phoning in hours at the gym? Bank account looking thin after spending unbeleive amounts of money on the latest spin claass? Perhaps what you’re most tired of is spending time, effort, and money and seeing little to no payoff.

We’ve all been through various cycles of working out, discouragement, and then abandonment. But if you’ve been looking for results that will last, we have the solution for you: interval training.

If you’re wondering what this innovative training style is, keep reading to find out.

What Exactly Is Interval Training?

Interval training is a workout method that maximizes your results using less time than an average workout session. Interval training is also popularly known as HIIT or high-intensity interval training. 

Essentially, these workouts have a short period of high intensity or activity seen as bursts, and they are then followed by a shorter rest period.

The workout repeats these bursts, followed by rests several times. The workouts burn more calories and build endurance faster than a typical cardio workout, which means they are much shorter in length. 

What is unique about high-intensity workouts is that they incorporate cardio and strength training to help you cut weight. This will be a highly effective workout solution for many individuals out there.

What Are the Benefits of HIIT?

HIIT workouts are a favorite amongst athletes and regular Joe’s alike. That’s because this style of training offers health, fitness and aesthetic benefits alike. Let’s look at some of the main advantages of this form of exercise below.

You Burn Major Calories

You burn more calories more quickly when you follow high-intensity training. Research has shown that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than other forms of exercise like biking, weight training, or running. 

However, you burn more calories but spend less time doing so. That is amazing if you want to get a bang for your buck. Because let’s be honest – who wants to spend two hours at the gym? You can burn significant calories in just 30 minutes with a HIIT workout!

Your Metabolic Rate Spikes

Why is your metabolic rate important? Well, a high basal metabolic rate ensures you burn more calories. After you complete a HIIT workout, your metabolic rate spikes for hours, even after the exercise.

This means you’re burning calories even when you’re not working out! High metabolism also ensures you remain lean as you age, so it is an absolute essential to watch out for.

Support Your Aesthetic Goals

Looking to lose fat? Perhaps you want to gain muscle. HIIT can help you achieve both those goals!

HIIT workouts are high intensity, meaning that they target specific body parts to help you lose fat. Regular interval training can help cut down on visceral fat too. In addition, high-intensity intervals help support muscle gain.

Add some weights into your HIIT workout to see an increase in muscle definition.

Reduced Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

HIIT exercises are great for bodily functioning too. Regular HIIT workouts can help reduce heart rate and blood pressure.

However, these results are more effective in individuals who are overweight or obese.

How to Incorporate HIIT Workouts into Your Routine

There are many ways you can incorporate interval training into your exercise routine. Follow the HIIT formula of bursts of activity followed by a shorter period of rest, and you’ll reap the most out of your workout. You should then repeat the pattern for as long as you wish to exercise.

An example of this is:

  • 45 seconds ‘on ‘: Here, follow the exercise of your choice
  • 15 seconds’ off’: Rest period
  • Repeat 30 times for a 30-minute workout

This style of training is also called the ‘on-off’ method.

However, the HIIT sweet spot is 30-60 minutes. If you work longer than that, you’re reversing the benefits of HIIT. But if you do a 15 or 20 minute HIIT workout, that is beneficial too!

You could opt for a combination of moves that target the areas you want to work on for the exercises. For example, if you’re looking to lose weight, combine different cardio moves like jumping jacks, burpees, and jump squats. However, if you’re looking to build less definition, you might want to focus on the split squats, weighted squats, or jump squats. 

If you have access to the equipment, you can also get creative with it. Why not do a HIIT workout on a stationary bike following the ‘on-off’ work formula? You could also incorporate HIIT workouts with treadmills.

Here, you’d run during your ‘on’ periods and walk during your ‘off’ periods. Check out this helpful link for more information on HIIT treadmill workouts. 

The great thing about HIIT workouts is that you can tailor them to your specific needs and intended outcomes. No matter your fitness level, expertise, or physical ability, you are sure to find a workout regimen you can squeeze in. And when you see fundamental changes in your body, you won’t want to stop!


It’s Time to Enjoy Working Out Again

‘I don’t have time is one of the biggest reasons for not working out. Money, equipment, and access to a gym come a close second.

Luckily, with HIIT, you have an exercise routine that you can follow with minimal time and equipment. Not to mention, the interval training style pushes the body to produce results like no other.

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