What Is an Elliptical Good For? Everything You Need To Know


Are you looking for new workout equipment to add to your home gym to improve your workouts? If you are looking for a great way to fit in some extra cardio, using an elliptical machine can be a great option. 

This low-impact machine is incredibly popular for many reasons. To learn about the benefits of using an elliptical machine, keep reading. Use this guide to find out if the elliptical machine is just what you need to complete your workout routine. 

Cardio That Burns Calories 

Many use the elliptical machine to ensure that they are getting some cardio in their workouts which are key to a balanced workout routine. This is referred to as aerobic exercise which makes your heart and lungs work harder to provide your muscles with more blood and oxygen. This works to challenge and strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. 

In doing so, you are able to boost your overall stamina and endurance. Also, this equipment allows you to fit this cardio into your workout as you please, as you can use it for high-interval training as well as cardio workouts that are more steady state. This is also a great way to burn calories fast. 

Burning more calories than you consume can help those that are hoping to lose weight. If you want to boost your calorie burn through cardio, work to increase the intensity of your elliptical workouts. 

Low Impact Workout Option 

Many choose to use the elliptical machine because it is low impact exercise option, meaning it can avoid or reduce stress on the joints. Many runners develop achy joints from the impact of running on hard surfaces, which can often make using the elliptical a safer and more comfortable option. When running on surfaces such as sidewalks and gravel, you may be putting stress on areas such as the hips, knees, and ankles. 

This allows you to train your cardiovascular system in a light weight-bearing way. This allows athletes to continue training while avoiding the wear and tear that can come with other workout options. 

Targets Specific Muscles 

If you are hoping to target and build specific muscles, the elliptical machine is a good way to do so. It can work to target specific leg muscles as you can change both the resistance and incline of the machine when wishing to work the legs. Also, this can be a great way to use one machine to target the lower and upper body. 

The key to doing so is by evenly distributing your weight and resistance as you move your arms and legs on the machine. To shop for a top-level elliptical option, consider the Keiser M5I

Benefits of Using an Elliptical Machine 

If you are looking for the benefits above, adding workouts on the elliptical machine can be a great addition to your routine. Add one to your home gym or use one at your local gym to get started. 

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