A Simple Guide to Building a Home Gym

Home Gym Essentials

You have vowed this year to get in shape, to change that skinny-fat body into a lean, mean machine. 

However, you may not have the time, budget, or inclination to sign up for an expensive health club. You may be reluctant to exercise next to people younger or more muscular than you are.

Why not consider building a home gym, so you can work out when, where, and how you like?  You don’t need much, and it can do wonders for your self-esteem in addition to your body! 

1. Find a Spot 

The most important first step for your home gym set up is to find a place where you are comfortable exercising. You need room to move and stretch your limbs without knocking into the furniture. You need some privacy to get away from talkative family members or curious neighbors.

Maybe your basement or guest room will work. Make sure you have floor space to lie down, and good ventilation to keep you cool. A sound system or stereo can be helpful so you can listen to motivating tunes while you work out. 

2. Choose Your Equipment

It’s possible to spend a lot of money on home exercise machines. However, when you build a home gym, a few carefully selected pieces of equipment may be all you need.  

Separate sets of light medium and heavy dumbells will be sufficient to work out every part of your body. You can use a weight bench, or get a riser which can double as a step for cardio. 

Depending on how much room you have, you can include pieces you especially like,  such as a kettlebell or medicine ball. It’s always good to change up your work out: doing the same reps every day gets dull and is not as beneficial for your muscles. 

3. Cardio 

You need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your routine in order to lose weight and strengthen your heart and lungs. 

When it is too cold or rainy to exercise outside by running or swimming, you can get a good heart rate going with indoor exercise.  You can jump on a small trampoline for 20 minutes a day,  or do “step work” on a riser or your own staircase.

If you don’t want to buy a stationary bike, you can even make your own

4. Electronics 

A gym can be an inspiring place to work out because there may be music booming or fun videos to make it seem like you are in the Tour de France.

You can set up your own gym with an iPad and a great set of tunes. You can also use a wide variety of apps to keep you apprised of how many calories you are burning, and how many steps you are up to. 

Apps provide many health and fitness options. You can find many things to do online to enhance your workout, from meditation to group classes. 

5. Scale and Mirror 

You want to see results, so install a mirror in your home gym and watch as those abs get more defined. 

Put a scale in there, too, to track weight loss.  Being able to document your efforts and quantify the results will keep you motivated to keep it up! 

Building A Home Gym: Work Out On Your Own Terms 

Building a home gym is a great way to customize your exercise routine in a way that works for you. You can use whatever space and budget you have available to develop a work out that will get you fit and make you feel great! 

For more tips on living your best life, keep checking back.