Category: * Popular Skinny Fat Topics *

If you're on a diet trying to lose weight, it's important to use supplements that will support you. Here are the best (and worst) fat burning supplements you can take for your diet.


Is your pantry packed full of the worst foods for weight loss? Use our guide to find out and start adopting healthy habits today.


Did you know that 13% of Americans, some as young as 12 years old, take some kind of antidepressant? Of those people taking antidepressants, many experience changes in their weight. Today, we're going to talk about antidepressants and weight gain, but also how to lose or prevent the weight...


For decades individuals and health professionals have been going off the body mass index (BMI) scale to determine a healthy weight. What many people don't know is that it's a slightly faulty system. Discover the problem with the BMI scale chart and what it means for your health.