5 Best Diets for Losing Weight That Actually Work

pear and rhubarb with smoothie on table

If you’ve always struggled with your weight, then you understand the struggles of picking up diets, seeing results, then gaining all your weight back. Not only is yo-yo dieting frustrating, but it’s bad for your health as well.

To help you stay healthy and looking good, here are 5 of the best diets for losing weight.

1. 16:8 Diet

In this diet, you fast for 16 hours, then eat all you want for the next eight hours. This can be an easy diet to stick to since you have no restrictions when it comes to the foods you eat. However, if you have poor willpower, you may find yourself snacking in the 16-hour window you’re supposed to fast for.

If you’re able to stick to this diet, you’ll burn fat in the fasting period, which can lead to great weight loss.

2. Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most healthy diets you can go on. It consists of healthy but tasty foods such as legumes and whole grains.

Not only will this diet help you lose weight, but it’ll also have additional health benefits. You’ll get reduced blood sugar levels and improved cognition.

3. Low-FODMAP Diet

This diet isn’t specifically for losing weight, but rather, for alleviating symptoms of IBS through the elimination of a certain type of short-chain carbohydrates. So if you have IBS and have struggled to find a diet that agrees with your stomach, this can be ideal for you.

When you go on the FODMAP diet, you’ll either reduce your FODMAP intake. not only will you feel more energetic and experience fewer IBS symptoms, but you’ll also benefit from easier weight loss.

Do note that you shouldn’t go on the low-FODMAP by yourself since it can lead to disordered eating. Always have the supervision of a licensed dietician.

4. Keto Diet

The keto diet is also a pretty popular diet nowadays. It puts your body in a state of ketosis, which helps you lose weight more easily. This is because you avoid eating sugars; the body usually burns glucose for energy, so if you eliminate that, it’ll start burning ketones instead.

While you’ll lose weight efficiently on this diet, it may not be the optimal diet to keep up in the long term. It can lead to some nutritional deficiencies, so if you do the keto diet, only do it for short, limited periods.

5. CICO Diet

“CICO” stands for “calories in, calories out.” This diet is based on counting your calories and having daily totals that come in under your requirements to maintain your weight.

You’ll have less dietary restrictions since you can basically eat whatever you want, so long as it’s under the specified limit. For women, 1,200 calories a day will be the lowest amount to stay healthy and energized.

Try These Best Diets for Losing Weight

By using these best diets for losing weight, you’ll see great results and keep the pounds off too. And the best thing is, you won’t ever feel like you’re starving or have low energy since these diets are proven to help you power through the day with little to no problems!

If you’re interested in starting the keto diet, here’s a detailed beginner’s guide to read.