Welcome to Skinny Fat Guy Productions

Being skinny fat (having a thin build but still carrying excess body fat) can be incredibly frustrating. It’s also not easy to figure out how to fix it, especially with the amount of misinformation being spread online and on social media. If you’re seeking a skinny fat transformation but...


Almost all Americans admit that they could stand to lose a little bit of weight. Surveys have shown that right around 50% of people are trying to lose weight at any given moment. Are you one of those people right now? If so, you could run out and join a...


The term "skinny fat" is taking the fitness world by storm. For years, no one had a phrase for this very common ailment. Now you can find your skinny fat solution: diet and exercise. Click to learn more!


Whether you're trying to lose weight or you want to broaden your cuisine horizons, here's a list of the 10 healthiest ethnic cuisines. Be careful, #7's cuisine is super spicy!


Scientists now know how the gut affects our mental health, by way of the enteric nervous system (ENS). The gut is the center of our concern with weight and illnesses. It’s important to watch what you eat, there are hidden dangers beyond fats, salts, and sugars. Parasites are particularly concerning because they can...


Whether you're planning to put on muscle or simply lose fat, you have to know your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. But what is TDEE, exactly? Click here to find out.