5 Signs it May be Time to Consider Losing Weight

Consider Losing Weight

Almost three-quarters of the American population are thought to be overweight. This is a terrifying statistic given the long list of health complications that come with carrying extra weight.

In this article, we’ll look at some important health facts and five signs that you might be overweight. Leading a healthy lifestyle and having an optimum bodyweight is paramount to good health and well-being. Let’s take a closer look

1. Is Physical Exercise Difficult?

Exercise is the key to well-being. Going for a run or getting through a vigorous training session in the gym should leave you feeling great and excited about the next session. If the idea of exercise depresses you or you find it difficult just walking up the stairs then there’s a large chance that you’re already overweight.

Exercise doesn’t only help you lose weight. It helps to keep your circulatory and respiratory systems healthy. Carrying extra weight can put unnecessary strain on both of these, and can potentially lead to more serious conditions such as heart disease.

2. Do You Snore?

Excess weight is one of the leading causes of obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is often characterized by loud snoring and waking up feeling groggy. If this sounds like you then it’s time to consider some healthy weight loss methods. 

3. Are You Steadily Gaining Weight?

If you seem to be steadily gaining weight each year and never losing any then the chances are you’re either overweight or you’re well on your way. The weighing scales shouldn’t be a symbol of defeat.

It’s important to establish your ideal bodyweight and work towards it. Healthy eating, regular exercise, and a regular sleep pattern should be at the top of your priority list.   

4. Are You Happy With Your Appearance?

If you dread looking in the mirror or wished you had someone else’s body then it’s time to do something about it. You should understand the mental health facts associated with being overweight. It might feel good to eat what you want when you want, but there’s more to it.

Being overweight increases the chances of depression. You will also produce more of the stress hormone cortisol. Working to reach and maintain a healthy weight will improve your self-image and do wonders for your overall mood.

5. Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

Perhaps your doctor has informed you that you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. They might have even told you that you are borderline diabetic. These three things are giveaway signs that you’re overweight.

Excess fat is likely to cause high cholesterol and blood pressure as well as your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The good news is that the damage is reversible. By losing weight you’ll rapidly decrease the risk of living with these medical conditions.

It’s Time to Act on These Health Facts

Cold hard health facts aren’t often easy to take, but it’s important to heed their warning. The condition of your body is responsible for your overall health and well-being. You can only benefit from looking after it. 

Losing weight can seem intimidating so it’s important to take it step-by-step. Being healthy should be a positive experience so it’s important to work out what works for you. Just be sure that you start working towards a healthy weight today. 

For more tips and tricks towards a healthier life, be sure to check out the rest of our blogs.