Category: Health and Wellness

Are you looking to shed a few pounds? Did you know you aren’t alone? In fact, almost 50% of Americans have tried to lose weight at some point in the last year. Sometimes even after losing weight, you may still be feeling insecure. And that’s actually fairly normal. Looking...


According to recent research, about 49% of Americans are looking to shed a couple of pounds in order to improve their health. And while this is a fairly high number, not many are aware of the after effects that come with extreme weight loss. Let’s take loose skin for example....


Vitamins for weight loss sounds, well, too good to be true. And, most of the stuff you read about diet supplements sounds more like fake news than solid medical advice.  Still, you shouldn’t discount the power of supplements for toning and weight loss. Multivitamins may have an effect on your...


If a long hours of work have taken all your energy away, getting a restful night of sleep is even more important than normal. Click here to have better nights.


Are you inspired to help other people on their road to a healthy body? Find out how you can help them reach their goals with a healthcare management degree.


Have you been interested in visiting a chiropractor but need more information before your visit? Here's how a chiropractor can help you achieve better health.