Welcome to Skinny Fat Guy Productions

You’re getting fatter and it’s harder to undo than ever before. It’s not your imagination: losing weight after 50 is much more difficult than in your 20s. The science agrees with your suspicion. The science also tells us then what it is we need to do to actually make...


Hormones and weight loss: what’s the connection? It turns out that hormones play a huge role in your body’s ability to lose weight. Scientifically speaking, the only way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you ingest. Your hormones can either help or hurt in making that...


If you find yourself among the ranks of the “skinny fat” folks, it can be difficult to find the dieting information you want. Everyone thinks of losing weight as reducing your overall size. Truth be told, that’s the goal for most people who want to lose fat. If you’re...


45 million. It’s an incredibly large number, 45 million. It’s the number of Americans who go on a diet every year. Are you one of them? If so, the more important question now may be how effective are your weight loss strategies? You can find out by measuring your...


Are you looking to shed a few pounds? Did you know you aren’t alone? In fact, almost 50% of Americans have tried to lose weight at some point in the last year. Sometimes even after losing weight, you may still be feeling insecure. And that’s actually fairly normal. Looking...


According to recent research, about 49% of Americans are looking to shed a couple of pounds in order to improve their health. And while this is a fairly high number, not many are aware of the after effects that come with extreme weight loss. Let’s take loose skin for example....