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If you want to consistently eat right, you may want to try meal prepping, or cooking your week's meals all at once. To make the process easier, check out these 10 great meal prep tips.


Believe it or not, there are some really yummy foods that burn belly fat. You don't have to sacrifice flavor to eat well. Try adding these 6 science-backed foods into your diet in creative ways and see the results.


When you ask the fitness community how many grams per pound of protein you should be eating a day, people will tell you to eat 0.5-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. But is this true? In this article, we'll provide some definitive answers.


Visceral fat is the layer of fat most of us don't see. It's below the subcutaneous fat layer, tucked into your stomach region. Although you may not see it, it's just as bad for your health as a gut would be - even putting you at risk of diabetes....


Did you know that 13% of Americans, some as young as 12 years old, take some kind of antidepressant? Of those people taking antidepressants, many experience changes in their weight. Today, we're going to talk about antidepressants and weight gain, but also how to lose or prevent the weight...


If fitness is important to you, then you may have been toying with the idea of creating a home gym so you don't have to feel guilty for having a gym membership that you never use. But, why kind of equipment do you need? Here are 5 types of...