How to Lose Weight After 40 in 5 Easy Steps

apple and measuring tape on scale

There’s no secret weapon in the war against weight loss. As our bodies age, what used to work for us may no longer be as effective. When thinking about how to lose weight after the age of 40, it can be difficult to know what will work best. Keep reading for 5 easy steps to help you shed those unwanted pounds!

Losing Weight After 40

1) Be Active

Maintaining an active lifestyle is a key factor in losing weight and staying healthy. As your body starts to change so should the way you think about exercise. You may no longer be able to get the result you want by only doing cardio twice a week.

Doing things like walking and stretching every day can have a huge impact on your body and metabolism. Make an effort to incorporate different types of exercise into your weekly routine. Check out this over 40 workout plan for more guidance on where to start.

2) Add In Some Weights

After you hit the age of 40 you begin to naturally lose muscle. By adding weight training to your exercise routine you can start to rebuild your strength.

Muscle takes in more calories than fat, meaning that the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be. Plus having strong muscles helps to protect your body from unwanted injuries.

3) Rethink Your Diet

This age-old adage has always been the foundation for losing weight. When rethinking weight loss after 40, making sure you’re incorporating healthy dietary choices becomes even more important for keeping longterm health.

Watch your carb intake and step up the amount of fruit and veggies you are eating. Adding healthy sources of protein like eggs and fish can also help to maintain your muscle and metabolism. The secret is learning how to eat healthy instead of trying to starve yourself. 

4) Cut Down On Alcohol

Sugary drinks often have tons of unwanted calories. Cutting these out of your diet can really help you to cut back on your overall caloric intake. 

Now that’s not to say you can’t drink at all. According to a Washington State University study, red wine actually contains properties that can lead to the reduction of belly fat when consumed in small amounts.

5) Get Enough Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep is important to both physical and mental well being. Lack of sleep can lead to higher levels of stress in the body, which may cause you to make poor dietary choices or ignore your need for physical activity. Studies also suggest that loss of sleep can negatively affect your metabolism

Get yourself into a good sleeping routine, try to go to bed and wake up at around the same time every day. If you wake up feeling refreshed and well rested every day you are more likely to have the energy to reach your goals.

Believe In Yourself!

Confidence is key in having a successful and enjoyable weight loss journey. It’s important to love your body at every age and remind yourself of all the work it’s done for you over the years. 

For more info on weight loss and how to love your body at every stage check out our blog!