Category: Weight Loss

Did you know that nearly half of Americans are trying to lose weight? Seeing as nearly 40 percent of the population is obese, it’s good to see that so many Americans are making an effort to lose weight. However, the sad truth is that only a small percentage of...


Does it seem you’re unable to lose weight–no matter how hard you try? Few things can cause so much frustration or disappointment. And with America’s obesity rate approaching 40%, it’s clear millions of us just can’t lose weight. Is the secret in the next great workout craze or diet...


Your tummy’s gotten to be the biggest muscle on your body. It’s not big, but it’s taunting you. It’s a syndrome called “skinny fat.”  It’s as dangerous as obesity. Those hindered by the condition don’t face the stigma of being overweight. Thus, they’re never coerced into losing the belly. Having excess...


Are you struggling to find the perfect weight loss program for your needs? Is there still extra fat on your waist sticking around no matter how many sit-ups you do or fruit you add to your diet? Lucky for you, we happen to know a few options that can...


There’s no secret weapon in the war against weight loss. As our bodies age, what used to work for us may no longer be as effective. When thinking about how to lose weight after the age of 40, it can be difficult to know what will work best. Keep...


45 million. It’s an incredibly large number, 45 million. It’s the number of Americans who go on a diet every year. Are you one of them? If so, the more important question now may be how effective are your weight loss strategies? You can find out by measuring your...