Welcome to Skinny Fat Guy Productions

Tea isn't a magical answer to hacking weight loss. But it is an incredibly powerful part of a healthy diet. We'll show you the best tea for weight loss that will help you curb your diet cravings.


Skinny fatness is a difficult trap to escape. With the wrong technique, you’ll struggle to gain mass while also failing to cut the fat. That’s why scientists are trying to warn us about the dangers of being skinny fat. It’s a stealthy condition and difficult to battle. So, how...


Kettlebell workouts are fun, effective, and creative. And guess what? They're not just for men. Here are 5 kettlebell workouts for women to try.


Going Under the Knife – Not! The Top 4 Non-Invasive Fat Removal Treatments Diet, exercise and diuretic “skinny” teas aren’t chipping away at those stubborn pockets of body fat?  If you’re struggling with some problem areas despite your hard work, but the thought of going under the knife causes major heebie-jeebies, don’t...


Your tummy’s gotten to be the biggest muscle on your body. It’s not big, but it’s taunting you. It’s a syndrome called “skinny fat.”  It’s as dangerous as obesity. Those hindered by the condition don’t face the stigma of being overweight. Thus, they’re never coerced into losing the belly. Having excess...


Are you struggling to find the perfect weight loss program for your needs? Is there still extra fat on your waist sticking around no matter how many sit-ups you do or fruit you add to your diet? Lucky for you, we happen to know a few options that can...