5 Healthy Low-Calorie Snacks for Weight Loss That Also Fill You Up

Low-Calorie Snacks

Active adults need between 2000 and 3000 calories per day. Over 85% of those calories should come from nutrient-rich foods. The problem is, most commercial low-calorie snacks have no nutritional value.

Not only do commercial snacks lack nutrients, but they also have no flavor. No one wants a plain rice cake after their afternoon workout. It has no vitamins to help your muscles recover and develop.

Take control of snack time and create healthy low-calorie snacks. Look for snacks you can prep on the weekend and eat through the week to save time. Here are 5 ideas to try next time you can’t wait until dinnertime.

1. Low-Calorie Cheesy Vegetables

Snack time is a great opportunity to boost your vegetable intake. Adults need 2-3 cups of vegetables per day to keep healthy. 

When the snack cravings hit, grab 1/2 a cup of your favorite nutrient-rich vegetables. These include broccoli, potatoes with the skin on, and asparagus.

Steam the vegetables on the stove or in the microwave. Plate the steamed vegetables and add your choice of spices. Top it with 1 tablespoon of Parmigiano-Reggiano.

2. Smoked Salmon Roll-Ups

Use smoked salmon to add more flavor to your low-calorie snack. Salmon provides good fats that protect your heart health.

To make the roll-up, you need: 

  • 2 oz smoked salmon
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cream cheese
  • 1 teaspoon fresh dill, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon capers, rinsed

Lay out the salmon and spread the cream cheese on each piece. Sprinkle the dill and capers on top to suit your taste. To finish, roll the salmon tight and plate it seam side down.

3. Frozen Yogurt Sandwiches

Most frozen yogurt has 1/2 the calories of ice cream and comes in dozens of flavors. Commercial snacks made with frozen yogurt cost a lot, though. You can make ice cream sandwiches at home for a fraction of the cost.

All you need is 2 cookies and a 1/4 cup of frozen yogurt that work together. Spice things up and try a salted caramel frozen yogurt with chai cookies

4. Vegetables and Hummus

Hummus is low on the glycemic index, making it an ideal snack for people with diabetes. The spread pairs well with almost every kind of fresh vegetable. 

Ingredients for homemade hummus: 

  • 1 1/2 cups canned chickpeas, drained
  • 1/3 cup tahini
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons water

To make hummus, toss everything into a blender, except the water. Blend the mixture and add the water to reach your preferred hummus texture.

5. Guacamole and Jicama Strips

Avocados and jicama both contain high levels of fiber and vitamin C. Eating them together leaves you with a satisfying level of fullness. 

To keep your snack as healthy as possible, make the guacamole yourself. Avoid over-salting the guacamole and use fresh chilis to boost the flavor, instead. 

Enjoy These Healthy Low-Calorie Snacks Without Guilt

A boring eating plan for weight loss leads to too many cheat days. No one gets excited to sit and eat 14 plain almonds. Make your healthy low calorie snacks tasty and never fear cheat day temptation again.

Remember, you still need calories to build muscle, so don’t cut them out altogether. Keep your snacks under 150 calories and you’ll be fine.

Do you need more healthy recipes to change up your dull eating plan? Browse our articles to find delicious recipes and helpful nutritional advice.